Wake Up from Your Slumber

In Matthew 13:24-30 Jesus speaks the parable of tares and wheat being sowed in the field; a truth concerning the Kingdom of God.

When the field hands observed the counterfeit plants, they were concerned about its impact on the wheat and Jesus interjected, “the enemy has done this while men slept.”

Today, there is a woeful lack of vigilance, watchfulness, discernment, and proactiveness in the Kingdom. (1 Pet. 5:8).  We seem virtually spiritually asleep, allowing the enemy a field day among us. We are allowing his wicked plan of John 10:10 to manifest and take root while we are satisfied to bite, and fight down each other.  (Gal. 5:15).  Jesus said the enemy came in among us “unawares”. May we rise from this “sleep of unawareness” and wake up to reality so that genuine wheat can grow in the Kingdom for a bumper crop.

Wheat could be considered as genuine believers, sound teachings and practice, and genuine ministry within the church.  It may also include the sanctity of our God-ordained relationships, institutions, and assets; whilst the tares could represent falsehood, error, deception, usurpers, fakes, and charlatans that corrupt the Church and “spy out our liberty” (Gal 2:4)

Please, let’s wake up before it’s too late! The night is far spent, the day is at hand! (Rom.13:12-14)

by Pastor Chad Prince, Sr. Pastor, Goodwill Gospel Mission & Abundant Life Fellowship & Deliverance Ministries

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