The Faithfulness of God

From my earliest memories, the sunrise in the East and its descent in the West have been an unchanging geographic reality. It’s more than a childhood lesson; it’s a visible observable phenomenon. The fact that God ordains the sun’s position each morning (Jeremiah 31:35) speaks to His faithfulness. He doesn’t rely on the sun, but we certainly do. Before the sun existed, God was already God. Yet, life on our delicate planet hinges on its existence. And remarkably, He sustains its orbit through the power of His word, faithfully guiding its cycle for our benefit.

The sun resides about 93 million miles away from Earth. Even a slight change in this distance would drastically elevate temperatures, potentially rendering our planet uninhabitable. Believing that the precise orchestration we witness in the universe is merely coincidental, as proposed by the Big Bang Theory, requires an immense amount of faith. Science itself confirms that an uncaused cause has never been observed. Moreover, the second law of thermodynamics asserts that order cannot emerge from disorder. Thus, the most logical conclusion points to the uncaused cause — God — and the creation account found in Genesis 1.

This narrative of creation aligns seamlessly and doesn’t demand an unreasonable amount of faith to believe. Genesis 1 affirms that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and on the fourth day, He brought forth the sun. God’s power and glory in creation, coupled with His unwavering faithfulness towards us, compel us to worship Him. No wonder David, drawing upon the universal symbol of God’s faithfulness, declared, “From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised” (Psalm 113:3).

As we approach the transition to 2024 and reflect on God’s faithfulness throughout these past twelve months, why not pause and take a moment to offer praise and gratitude to Him?

by David Vital

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